Hi. This is the transition of my personal website from a technology blog to the story of my life journey with kidney disease. This handsome guy to the left is me back in November 2024. By that time I had been on Peritoneal dialysis for about 5 months. I’ll tell my story again here in future posts. But you can read more on the Facebook page I started to spread the word at https://www.facebook.com/KidneyDrive25/ If
Author: Hilton

One thing that has really annoyed me about the new UI with Windows 11 was the way they grouped together the Sound, Volume and Battery icons in the system tray and removed the action center. Another annoyance was the fact that they dumbed down the right click context menu and added a “show more” option to see the traditional context menu with all of the options. Since I work in enterprise, it is annoying having

If you work in IT, no doubt you have had to backup user data. This is a lot easier these days with the proliferation of cloud storage and cloud apps, particularly Microsoft 365. One issue you may have is that while it is easy to back up and restore data, you still have to reinstall software. This one utility can be used in concert with other tools to make a manual process easier. Windows has

I stumbled upon this killer feature in Microsoft Edge and boy has it been useful. Edge has a built in ability to essentially turn any web page into a web app. This streamlines your workflows by allowing you to have one click access to your favorite sites as well as keeping that site as a separate item in the Alt Tab switcher. The way it works varies by browser version so you’ll want to go

I recently had a colleague ask which password manager app I use. My answer kinda surprised me. Ever since Microsoft Edge moved to using the Chromium engine I have almost exclusively used Edge for all my browsing, even on my phone. I still keep Chrome and Firefox for troubleshooting in cases where web sites or web apps don’t work well in Edge. I used to also use Internet Explorer for that purpose, but Windows 11